



The difference between the flange and the flange

Flange (Flange), also known as flange or flange disc. A flange is a part that interconnects a tube to a tube and is connected to a tube end.
18 2020/11

What is Flange gasket?

Flange gasket is a can produce plastic deformation, and has a certain strength of the material made of rings. It is resistant to high temperature, high pressure, corrosion resistance, has a good compression rate and rebound rate. Most of the gasket is cut from the non-metallic plate down, or by the professional factory size required for the production of its material asbestos rubber sheet, asbestos sheet, PTFE board, polyethylene plate; also useful thin metal plate (white metal, Stainless steel) will be asbestos and other non-metallic materials wrapped into metal package gasket;
08 2021/01


Flanges are interconnected parts of pipes and pipes for connection between pipe ends. Flanges are also used at the inlet and outlet of the equipment for connection between two devices, such as reducer flanges. Flange connection or flanged joint, refers to the flange, gaskets and bolts are interconnected as a group of a combination of sealing structure detachable connection.
08 2021/01
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